13 aug. 2011
Potrivit unui articol la Zap2it, Claire Holt va juca in sezonul 3 Vampire Diaries.

Iată câteva informaţii cu privire la caracterul ei de la Zap2i t“Vampire Diaries” fans, if you thought Katherine was ten kinds of trouble, get ready to meet Rebecca — AKA Bex, a beautiful vampire who had the pleasure of Stefan’s company back in the early days when he was feasting on human blood.:

Eu cred ca acest sezon va fi cel mai bun de pana acum,multe peresonaje noi dar si vechi care revin:D

3 comentarii:

Apy spunea...

am vazut joaca bine fata :)

Oanaaa. spunea...

Ce mi-a placut de ea in H2o

JustLaugh spunea...

chiar m-ia placut cum joaca in TVD i se potriveste rolul:)


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