10 mai 2011
He lurks in the shadows, waiting and watching . . . And once he has you, all you can do is. . .


Megan Flynn thought she was falling in love. Cole Williams wasn't just handsome and passionate, he was one of the good guys. Or so she thought, until he arrested her brother-the only family she has left-for a murder she knows he couldn't have possibly committed. Now, with her heart broken and her brother's life hanging in the balance, Megan will risk everything to prove his innocence. Even if that means throwing herself into the path of a sadistic killer with a hauntingly familiar MO.

Seattle Detective Cole Williams had given up on making Megan see reason where her brother is concerned. But when she insinuates herself into the most shockingly brutal case Cole has ever worked, he can't stand idly by. Plunged into a secret world where the city's elite indulge their darkest desires, Cole will do whatever it takes to bring down a madman who has made Megan his most coveted prey.

3 comentarii:

Christyna_BM spunea...

Megan Flynn credea ca e pe cale sa se indragosteasca. Cole Williams nu era numai frumos si pasional, ci era unul dintre baietii buni. Sau asa credea ea, pana sa-l aresteze pe fratele ei - singura ruda pe care o mai are - pentru o crima pe care este convinsa ca nu a facut-o. Acum, cu inima franta si cu viata fratelui ei atarnand de un fir de ata, Megan va risca orice pentru a-i dovedi nevinovatia. Chiar daca asta inseamna sa se arunce in fata unui criminal al carui mod de operare este ciudat de familiar.

Detectivul Cole Williams a renuntat la orice mijloc prin care ar putea s-o determine pe Megan sa vada vinovatia fratelui ei. Dar cand ea se implica in cea mai brutala ancheta pe care Cole a avut-o vreodata, nu poate sa stea deoparte. El va face orice sa aduca in fata legii un criminal care a facut din Megan ce mai dorita prada a sa.

Apy spunea...

o carte interesanta si "amuzanta" nu am citit-o dar am auzit multe despre ea :)

JustLaugh spunea...

coperta e geniala..mai ales titlul..si descrierea chiar ma atrage as..citit cartea:X


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