17 dec. 2011
RevivedAs a little girl, Daisy Appleby was killed in a school bus crash. Moments after the accident, she was brought back to life.

A secret government agency has developed a drug called Revive that can bring people back from the dead, and Daisy Appleby, a test subject, has been Revived five times in fifteen years. Daisy takes extraordinary risks, knowing that she can beat death, but each new death also means a new name, a new city, and a new life. When she meets Matt McKean, Daisy begins to question the moral implications of Revive, and as she discovers the agency’s true goals, she realizes she’s at the center of something much larger — and more sinister — than she ever imagined.

7 comentarii:

JustLaugh spunea...

cat de interesanta e..superrr...sa mori si sa revi la viata de 5 ori..wow...as vrea sa apara si la noi:(...coperta imi place ..iar descrierea ma face curioasa

Alexandra spunea...

Cat de tare poate sa fie descrierea :X Chiar ar fi calumea sa fi omorat intr-un accident de masina daca ai stii ca apoi esti readus la viata :))

Oanaaa. spunea...

Foarte tare :))

Imi place mult coperta <3

Andreea spunea...

O carte foarte frumoasa ,cu o coperta superba

Moni spunea...

:) Foarte interesanta:D:) Ce-i drept coperta ma atrage:D

Mirela spunea...

waw chiar e frumoasa descrierea...coperta nu prea imi place

ioana alexandra spunea...

super ca lumea descrierea cartii:))
si coperta imi place


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