4 dec. 2012
In Februarie 2013, volumul 8 din seria "Vampirii din Morganville" de Rachel Caine, va aparea la editura Leda !
Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts that include both a dangerous immortal as well as Michael's all-too-human friends. And with that mix of personalities, this is going to be a road trip from hell...
In Ianuarie 2013, ne asteapta volumul 4, din seria mea preferata, Sange Albastru de Melissa de la Cruz.
With the stunning revelation surrounding Bliss's true identity comes the growing threat of the sinister Silver Bloods. Once left to live the glamorous life in New York City, the Blue Bloods now find themselves in an epic battle for survival. Not to worry, love is still in the air for the young vampires of the Upper East Side. Or is it? Jack and Schuyler are over. Oliver's brokenhearted. And only the cunning Mimi seems to be happily engaged.
Voi reciti toate cele 3 volume, in vacanta care urmeaza, pentru ca ador seria si o recomand cu cea mai mare placere ! Deci, in curand din nou recenzii la Sange Albastru, Bal Mascat si Revelatii ! :D
Tot in Februarie 2013, ultimul volum din trilogie" Cele noua vieti ale lui Chloe King" de Celia Thompson.
Despite a rocky few weeks, Chloe King is starting to get it. She's figured out who she is (a girl with catlike superpowers), where she belongs (at home with Mom), and what she wants to do (chill with her friends).
Yes, she's got funky superpowers, and yes, two rival groups think she's some "chosen" leader. But no, she's not buying all that ancient-warrior crap. And she's definitely not developing a superhero alter ego like in those old comic books. For Chloe, being the One means she can have whatever she wants ... i. e. , more goof-off time and fewer "cat people" conventions.
Then she finds her friend bleeding in an alley. All at once Chloe realizes that the years of bloodshed are not over. In fact, they never will be. The Mai and the Tenth Blade are going to persist in their dangerous rivalry. Unless Chloe accepts her destiny ... and takes control.
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by Jennifer E.Smith
12 comentarii:
mie mi-a soptit o pasarica ca Mos Nicolae imi va aduce primul volum din cele 9 vieti deci nu pot spune decat ura abia astept
NU POT SA CREEED! :X In sfarsit Blue Bloods 4 :x:x:x Hihi, se pare ca totusi exista Mos Nicolae :D
De Micutele Mincinoase nu se mai aude nimic?
O sa fiu tare sincera. N-am citit nici macar una dintre seriile mentionate. Am volumul 3 din seria Sange Albastru, dar nu am primele doua volume si nu am cum sa o citesc.
@Cristina - pune mana si citeste-le pentru ca isi merita banii.toate cele 3 serii sunt foarte bune, sange albastru si vdm sunt printre preferatele mele. :)
Si printre ale mele ;)
Ador Sange Albastru:x Desi inca nu am citit volumul 3 , dar il astept pe Mosu, ca doar am fost fata cuminte :)))
Mie nu-mi place seria Sange Albastru, in schimb abia astept sa apara volumul 3 din seria Chloe King
Am primit o groaza de recomandari de la multe persoane in privinta acelor serii. chiar vreau sa le citesc, acum sa vedem cum fac eu rost de ele
Am citit doar primul volum din Cele 9 vieti ale lui Chloe King, si nu prea mi-a placut, de aceea nu cred ca o sa citesc mai departe :)
Am toate cartile din seria Sange Albastru in format e-book, + cea cu Bloody Valentine :D
N-am citit Vampirii din Morganville, inca, deci aparitia unui nou volum nu ma afecteaza cu nimic :D